72 hours
“72 hours” is a cinematic series that fuses the excitement of travel documentaries with the emotional resonance of musical biographies.l biographies
The series takes viewers on a global tour music and culture, highlighting musicians who are not just performers but also innovators, cultural ambassadors, or custodians of traditions deeply rooted in their native lands.
Each episode centers around a specific theme intrinsic to the featured country, whether it’s Bedouin hospitality in Wadi Rum or Beatboxing kids in Mumbai. Committed to storytelling, the series integrates striking landscapes and glimpses of local life, effectively making each location a compelling character in the overarching narrative.
Mumbai, India
Wadi Rum, Jordan
Baqa’a, Jordan
With 10 countries already explored and many many more on the horizon, “72 hours” continues as an enthralling voyage through the multifaceted musical and cultural terrains that define our world.
Tbilisi, Georgia
Berlin, Germany